Snow White and the Widow Queen Kickstarter

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Snow White and The Widow Queen marks a re-awakening of the traditional fairy tale. Master of symbolism Jonathan Pageau recounts the familiar narrative in a bold voice as a celebration of our ancient stories. Written for the enjoyment of children, parents will nonetheless find surprising treasures hidden in these pages and discover how so many of Snow White’s secrets have been hiding from them in plain sight. 

The book is designed and illustrated with magical richness by Heather Pollington. Her work on some of the world’s most beloved fantasy and fairytale movie franchises has made her an expert in hiding deep meaning in beautiful details.   

Snow White and The Widow Queen is the first of eight fairy tale books written by Jonathan Pageau to weave a new and surprising tapestry of well-known characters and narratives, creating a fairy tale world worthy of our great heritage.

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