Art of the Tamada, A First Things Foundation Fundraiser, FL, 2024

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What is the Art of the Tamada?

Join us for our second Art of the Tamada where we explore the implications of true hospitality and beauty of the Georgian tradition known as the Supra. When you leave you’ll be a Tamada, a toastmaster ready to host a Georgian table laden with food and folks. Together we will delve into the philosophy of hospitality and how the Georgian liturgical tradition informs the Supra table.

As the world seemingly pulls apart, the Georgian Supra may help us answer how, in the end, it will hold together.

Your ticket includes a donation to our work happening on four continents. First Things Foundation thanks you, and in the end, your soul will thank you too. The Art of the Tamada is the art of loving your neighbor.

Join me, John Heers, Jordan Hall, and others for an intimate leisure-filled weekend to celebrate the Art of the Tamada.

Read more at about what you can expect.

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