Join the Symbolic world community

Create a free member account for exclusive access the The Symbolic World Community forum.

Register on The Symbolic World Site to Access our Community

To join the conversation and access everything The Symbolic World Community has to offer, you’ll need to register on the Symbolic World website first. This quick step links your membership to our Circle platform. Once you're logged into our website, please go to the Community tab to be redirected to Circle.

Become a Member
*You must register a Symbolic World Account to join our Circle Community.
Join a Thriving Circle of Symbolic Seekers

Our community is hosted on the Circle platform, where you can dive into rich discussions, live events, and exclusive content centered around symbolism and deeper meaning. By joining, you become part of an active group of individuals who share your curiosity about the patterns and stories that shape our world. Whether you're just starting your journey or you're a seasoned thinker, you’ll find a place to connect, learn, and contribute.

*Become a member before signing up on Circle.
Courses Integrated with the Community Experience

Our courses are hosted on the Circle community platform, giving you the chance to discuss and engage with others as you learn. To access and purchase courses, you must be logged into our website and Circle.

View Courses
*Please ensure you're signed in before purchasing a course.
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Frequently Asked Questions
How do I create an membership account?
2. What is included in the recording package?
3. Are there any special discounts available for purchasing the recordings?
4. What formats are the recordings available in?
5. Can I share the recordings with others?