What Is a Miracle?

Jonathan PageauSymbolic World Icon
August 30, 2024

In this week's video I discuss what a miracle is, looking at different examples but especially at the miracles of Christ. A miracle is not just an extraordinary event, rather it's an event that reveals and restores matter to its true identity and meaning. Thank you for your continued support.

My course with Richard Rohlin on Dante's Purgatorio has kicked off and is currently taking place live on Tuesdays 2-5 pm EST. Consider joining us on this extraordinary journey through Dante's Divine Comedy. Patrons at the Involved tier or higher get 10% off - apply your discount code at the checkout. Register now: https://thesymbolicworld.com/courses/dantes-purgatorio

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Our website designers: https://www.resonancehq.io/ My intro was arranged and recorded by Matthew Wilkinson.

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