The Cognitive Science of Ritual - with John Vervaeke

Jonathan PageauSymbolic World Icon
September 26, 2024

John Vervaeke and I discuss the cognitive science of ritual: the many different aspects of ritual and its importance even in the pursuit of reason, among sacred and secular spaces, to mark time and identity, to establish transformation, and more! John is truly making headway in giving us the concepts and vocabulary to understand symbolic and ritual participation across different participatory levels. Enjoy!

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Timestamps: 00:00 - Coming up 00:51 - Intro music 01:17 - Introduction to Cognitive Science 04:16 - Ritual and an advent of the sacred 06:18 - Meaningful ritual 08:23 - Why work against ritual? 14:07 - Replace religious with civic 15:47 - Hermeneutics of suspicion 18:24 - Progressive rituals 23:23 - Transformation 27:51 - Marking identity 36:17 - Ritual as space

Our website designers: My intro was arranged and recorded by Matthew Wilkinson.

This article is currently being edited and will be reposted soon

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