The Art Behind 'Snow White and the Widow Queen' - with Heather Pollington

Jonathan PageauSymbolic World Icon
November 7, 2023

I had an interview with the wonderful artist, Heather Pollington. Together we created a book called 'Snow White and the Widow Queen' that is currently being crowdfunding through Kickstarter. Here we take you through our creative process, the inspiration behind the illustrations, and our grand vision for this and upcoming fairy tale projects.

I believe what we're offering here is an important course correction in modern storytelling. Simultaneously rooted in classic tropes but also enjoying the best techniques that modern and postmodern storytelling has to offer, 'Snow White and the Widow Queen' begins an extended journey into a fairy tale world of cross-overs and repeating themes.

We're telling the story in a different way: celebrating — not subverting — approaching classic stories not with cynicism or political moralizing, but with awe, love, and attention to the pattern.

This video was released to my email list as a sneak peek last week.

Support the crowdfunding campaign:

Heather's website: Our previous discussion about her redesign of The Symbolic World logo:

The music was done by the one and only Dirt Poor Robins:@dirtpoorrobins

This article is currently being edited and will be reposted soon

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