Snow White (2025) Is a Disaster, But...

Jonathan PageauSymbolic World Icon
March 25, 2025

This is my review of Disney's recent Snow White live-action remake.

With all this attention on Snow White right now, we want to make sure that we're mostly celebrating this powerful story in our culture. So to do so, we're offering for the very last time a limited edition box set of our own Snow White story, Snow White and the Widow Queen. It's a leather bound book signed by me, in a beautifully designed and bejeweled box with a free sticker and bookmark included. This is the last time you will ever see this product, it's very special, so don't miss out while stocks last. We're also offering 10% off on select Snow White products if you use SNOW25 at checkout. Just go to

As a classic fairy tale and timeless piece of our inheritance it's important to remember Snow White and keep celebrating it - that wonder and beauty and strangeness we find in those original tales that have been passed down to us, are exactly what our books at Symbolic World Press hope to reawaken - with of course some symbolism bread crumbs dropped in for those who want to discover the deeper meaning. So, don't miss out.

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This article is currently being edited and will be reposted soon

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