Did God Want Adam and Eve to Eat the Fruit?

Jonathan PageauSymbolic World Icon
July 17, 2024

After publishing a recent video commenting on Alex O'Connor's conversation with Jordan Peterson regarding Genesis, I decided to make June 2024's patron-only video public. In this video, I delve deeper into another question that came up in the discussion about whether God actually wanted Adam and Eve to eat the Fruit of the Knowledge of Good and Bad in the Garden of Eden. To answer this question, I draw from St. Ephrem the Syrian’s wonderful book, Hymns on Paradise.

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A Comment on Alex O’Connor’s Conversation with JBP - Do Adam and Eve Die After They Eat the Fruit?: https://youtu.be/cnsUT97VSeA

Buy St. Ephrem the Syrian's Hymns on Paradise: https://www.amazon.com/St-Ephrem-Syrian-Hymns-Paradise/dp/0881410764

🔗 All links: https://linktr.ee/jonathanpageau Our website designers: https://www.resonancehq.io/ My intro was arranged and recorded by Matthew Wilkinson.

This article is currently being edited and will be reposted soon

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