C.S. Lewis on Progress, AI, and Gender - with Annie Crawford

Jonathan PageauSymbolic World Icon
November 7, 2023

I had a great discussion with Annie Crawford. She’s written two wonderful articles for the Symbolic World Blog and is offering a course on C.S. Lewis’ Ransom Trilogy on the Symbolic World website. Check out our discussion about C.S. Lewis, AI, progress, gender, laughter, science, and the mystical.

Sign up for Annie’s course on the C.S. Lewis Ransom Trilogy. If you sign up now you will get the recordings of the first 10 lessons. The remaining 5 lessons on That Hideous Strength will be every Friday at 3pm CST / 4pm EST: https://the-symbolic-world.circle.so/checkout/cs-lewis-trilogy

Email us at inquiries@symbolicworldpress.com if you have any questions or reach out to Annie in our website community: https://the-symbolic-world.circle.so/home

Annie’s articles on the Symbolic World Blog:
- ‘Cosmos’: A Poetic Reflection on the Medieval Model: https://thesymbolicworld.com/content/cosmos-a-poetic-reflection-on-the-medieval-model
- Gender and the Cosmos: The Restoration of Worlds in C.S. Lewis’s Ransom Trilogy: https://thesymbolicworld.com/content/gender-and-the-cosmos-the-restoration-of-worlds-in-c-s-lewis-s-ransom-trilogy

0:27 - Intro music
0:51 - Introduction
3:21 - The Symbolic World community
4:22 - C.S. Lewis' Ransom Trilogy
6:14 - The disembodied head
7:20 - Gender and C.S. Lewis
13:31 - C.S. Lewis' approach to the topic
17:41 - The "third gender"
24:04 - The ending of "That Hideous Strength"
31:46 - Waters above and below
33:39 - Lewis and Dante
39:44 - Theology and "science"
46:31 - Barfield and Lewis: an original unity
53:30 - Merlin's Last Laugh

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My intro was arranged and recorded by Matthew Wilkinson.

This article is currently being edited and will be reposted soon

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