Press Team

Jonathan Pageau

Jonathan Pageau is a liturgical artist, writer, and public speaker.Through his popular YouTube channel The Symbolic World, he has become a sought-out interpreter of the deep patterns in stories.With his 2022 publication of God’s’Dog: Monster, a graphic novel invented with his brother Matthieu Pageau and artist Cord Nielson, Jonathan proved himself a powerful storyteller in his own right.The project’s reception by an increasingly diverse audience who share a common hunger for great storytelling encouraged Pageau in his effort to continue to reclaim the storytelling landscape by starting a publishing company called Symbolic World Press.

Heather Pollington

Heather Pollington is an artist and designer best known for her work on the world’s most beloved fantasy and fairytale movie franchises. Specializing in Medieval and decorative art, she excels in appropriating artistic traditions to narrative art forms in a way that is both illuminating and exciting for modern audiences.

View her website here

Richard Rohlin

       Richard Rohlin is a software developer, Germanic philologist, and Orthodox Christian living in Texas with his wife and children. He speaks and publishes on Germanic poetry, the Inklings, and the Sacramental Imagination. He regularly contributes to Jonathan Pageau’s The Symbolic World  YouTube channel through the Universal History series, and recently joined The Symbolic World Press as it's Operations Director