C.S. Lewis and the Cosmic Trilogy

A Symbolic World course with Annie Crawford

C.S. Lewis and the Cosmic Trilogy

A Symbolic World course with Annie Crawford

“The idea of other planets exercised upon me a peculiar, heady attraction which was quite different from any other of my literary interests. The interest, when the fit was on me, was ravenous, like a lust … My own planetary romances have been not so much the gratification of that fierce curiosity as its exorcism.” ~ C.S. Lewis, Surprised by Joy

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Course Overview

In this 14-week course, Lewis scholar Annie Crawford walks chapter by chapter through each book of C.S. Lewis’s Cosmic / Ransom Trilogy—tracing the key themes, symbols, and narrative structures that Lewis draws together to baptize the modern imagination and renew a sacred vision of the cosmos. Throughout this class, we will see how Lewis intentionally mergs the modern genre of science fiction with the forms of medieval fairy tale to offer a sacramental understanding of the world, the human person, and the divine. Classes include short lectures that introduce participants to the essential ideas and structures of Lewis work, discussion of the text with others from the Symbolic World community, and links to supplementary readings and bonus videos.


  • “Annie Crawford approaches C.S. Lewis’s works with both sensitivity and rigor.  She is thoughtful, insightful, and a talented communicator, ably balancing theological considerations with respect for literary forms.”- Dr. Michael Ward, author of Planet Narnia.
  • What participants say:some text
    • “Absolutely yes, I would recommend this class. Insights from Annie as an expert who has deeply studied the subject matter, combined with open discussion with the group, resulted in wonderful and applicable learning, plus new connections and friendships with like-minded people.” 
    • “In vivid imaginative ways of narrative and commentary, this course symbolically sets our lives in proper cosmic perspective.”
    • “This is *the* single best Zoom course I've participated in.”

Course Details

Live Course Schedule

What you'll need

You'll need C.S. Lewis' Space Trilogy (linked individually):

Book 1: Out of the Silent Planet
Book 2: Perelandra
Book 3: That Hideous Strength

Course Outline

While C.S. Lewis is best known as a beloved children’s author and popular Christian apologist, recent concerns over AI and the growing globalist techno-industrial bureaucracy have brought increasing attention to Lewis’s symbolically potent Ransom Trilogy. Intentionally merging the modern genre of science fiction with the forms of medieval fairy tale, Lewis uses our modern obsession with scientific exploration to offer a revitalized cosmic vision of the world, the human person, and the divine. Join Lewis scholar, Annie Crawford, for a discussion-based course that walks chapter by chapter through C.S. Lewis’s Ransom Trilogy—tracing the key themes, symbols, and narrative structures that Lewis draws together to reignite the modern imagination and renew a sacred vision of the world.

Out of the Silent Planet:

- Session 1 – The Medieval Cosmos and the Baptized Imagination

- Session 2 – Narrative Structure and Planetary Symbolism

- Session 3 – Science Fiction and Masculine Symbolism

- Session 4 – The Hero’s Journey and the Nature of Language


- Session 1 – Spiritual Warfare and Modern Dualism

- Session 2 – Feminine Symbolism and Weston’s New Idealism

- Session 3 – Evil, Evolution, and the Anti-Hero

- Session 4 – The Feminine Hero’s Journey

- Session 5 – Nature of Gender, Angelic Bodies, Hierarchy vs. Equality

That Hideous Strength

- Session 1 – The Great Dance, Marriage, and “The Inner Ring”

- Session 2 – Subjectivism, Propaganda, and Men Without Chests

- Session 3 – The Kingdom of Hell and the Kingdom of Heaven

- Session 4 – Arthurian Legends, Hermaphrodic Saints, and the Problem of Merlin

- Session 5 – Salvation, The Descent of the Gods, and Judgement Day

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Annie Crawford

Annie Crawford is a cultural apologist and classical educator with a Master of Arts in Cultural Apologetics from Houston Baptist University. She teaches apologetics and humanities courses and is co-founder of The Society for Women of Letters. She has written for The Blyth Institute, American Thinker, Circe Institute, The Worldview Bulletin, Classical Academic Press, and An Unexpected Journal, where she is a founding editor and writer. Learn more at anniecrawford.net.

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