Symbolic World Metaphysics

With Jean-Philippe Marceau

Post-reductionist Christianity: A Way Out of the Meaning Crisis

Join other Symbolic World metaphysics enthusiasts to experience a detailed introduction to the metaphysics developed in the Symbolic World over the past few years.

This is a 5-week, 10-hour course presented by Jean-Philippe Marceau. Jonathan Pageau also cohosts 3 of the 5 classes.

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Course Overview

This course dives into content from JP Marceau's forthcoming book entitled Post-reductionist Christianity: A Way Out of the Meaning Crisis, which will be published by Symbolic World Press. Marceau provides a detailed introduction to the metaphysics developed in the Symbolic World over the last few years, particularly in discussions with John Vervaeke and Jonathan Pageau. Like in the book, Marceau explains that nihilistic materialism, symbolized by the zombie, has died at its own hands, and that non-reductive naturalism is currently tracking toward a return to classical metaphysics. Then, he explains how Christian metaphysics goes further than classical metaphysics and non-reductive naturalism, ultimately shedding more light on reality. Finally, Marceau presents advanced material not covered in the book, such as what distinguishes symbolic metaphysics from perennialist, universalist, or idealist metaphysics.

Course Details

Live Course Schedule

Classes were livestreamed on Wednesdays, Jan 24, 2024 until Feb 21, 2024.

What you'll need

All course materials are provided, including a preview of JP Marceau's upcoming book on this topic, Post-reductionist Christianity: A Way Out of the Meaning Crisis.

Course Outline

  • Lesson 1: Zombies, Nihilism, and the Death of Materialism

In this lesson, JP and Jonathan Pageau will introduce the course; use the zombie myth to lay out the genesis of materialistic nihilism; go through modern, naturalistic arguments against materialism; and answer questions!

  • Lesson 2: Recovering the Classical Tradition

In lesson 1, we saw that materialism fails for top-down and bottom-up reasons. In lesson 2, JP builds on this to introduce classical metaphysics as both the top-down emanation of forms and the bottom-up emergence from potential. Then, he explains how to recover classical participation in moral and narrative forms.

  • Lesson 3: The Incarnation

In lesson 2, we had taken materialists all the way from nihilism into the classical tradition, which is already a great improvement. In lesson 3, JP uses the classical framework to introduce the metaphysics of the Incarnation, making the case that they are not only intelligible, but make reality more intelligible than classical metaphysics and non-reductive naturalism.

  • Lesson 4: The Heart of Christian Metaphysics

Jonathan and JP explain how a Christian metaphysics of love can address questions that were left answered by both the classical tradition and non-reductive metaphysics. Additionally, they explain in detail how creation exists through human consciousness, ultimately in the Incarnate Christ.

  • Lesson 5: Advanced Topics

What distinguishes Symbolic World metaphysics from perennialism, universalism, idealism, etc.? How does one go about applying what we learned in the class? Is it even possible? Jonathan and JP answer your advanced questions.

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Jean-Philippe Marceau

Jean-Philippe Marceau is a writer and podcaster with an academic background in mathematics, theoretical computer science and philosophy of mind. Through his writings and discussions with Jonathan Pageau of The Symbolic World and cognitive scientist John Vervaeke, he has been drawing out a path towards meaning for people who, like him, have a background in the pure sciences. He lives in Quebec City with his wife and son. He is also co-host with Jonathan Pageau of a French podcast entitled La Vie Symbolique. He is a regular contributor to the Symbolic World blog and acted as its editor-in-chief for many years since its conception.

Jonathan Pageau

Jonathan Pageau is a renowned liturgical artist, writer, and public speaker. Through his popular YouTube channel The Symbolic World, he has become a sought-out interpreter of the deep patterns in stories. With his 2022 publication of God's'Dog: Monster, a graphic novel invented with his brother Matthieu Pageau and artist Cord Nielson, Jonathan proved himself a powerful storyteller in his own right. The project’s successful crowdfunding encouraged him to continue his efforts to reclaim the storytelling landscape by starting a publishing company called Symbolic World Press (SWP).

SWP’s maiden publication is The Tale of Snow White and the Widow Queen, the first of an eight-book series of fairy tales in which Pageau explores a new way of telling fairy tales: one which is both aware of our cultural moment and simultaneously committed to honoring the deeply celebratory of the roots these stories have planted in our common imagination.  

Jonathan’s YouTube channel, The Symbolic World, now has nearly 200k subscribers, and the community that has developed around his listenership is an active, supportive, and talented collection of artists and thinkers from around the globe. He recently launched a new Symbolic World Website, where people can sign up to access exclusive content unavailable on the regular channel, and to engage in the Symbolic World Community for timely discussions around symbolism, literature, religion, art, and culture. The site has also begun hosting paid courses, where people can sign up for an interactive deep dive into specific works, such as Beowulf, C.S. Lewis’s Space Trilogy, and the rebirth of Christian Metaphysics.

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